Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Creating Apartheid in order to delegitimate our existence

Andrew Bolt

Wednesday, August 03, 2016 (11:25pm)

Tell me this is not true. Tell me that no conservative government could possibly consider making a treaty with some of its fellow citizens - and on the basis of the “race” of some of their ancestors.
Indigenous Affairs Minister Nigel Scullion insists the federal government will consider a treaty if that’s what indigenous people want.
Senator Scullion says he’ll await the outcome of the government’s Referendum Council, headed up by Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and Opposition Leader Bill Shorten.
“If that’s what the process tells us to do, that’s what it is,” he told ABC radio on Wednesday.
How disgraceful.
Has the Turnbull Government no will of its own? Are its fundamental principles - as in one law for all, and opposition to racism - to be discarded at the whim of favoured activists?
And does Malcolm Turnbull not understand how this will be received by the Liberal base?
But I have warned from the start what Turnbull would do to the Liberals, and nothing he’s said since has reassured me. He has in every way been a man of the ABC Left on these issues. Remember he described the British settlement of Australia as an invasion?
Reader Peter of Bellevue Hill: 

Scullion says the government is open to a treaty. Turnbull says Australia was invaded. More than half the cabinet voted to support Rudd’s bid to head the UN.
Considering just how far leftism has crept into the Liberals, it’s amazing Abbott stayed leader for as long as he did. It must have been a full time job just keeping a lid on the growing number of clowns in the federal party room.
I think a treaty would be so divisive… [A] nation, an undivided united nation does not make a treaty with itself. I mean to talk about one part of Australia making a treaty with another part is to accept that we are in effect two nations.
And again I warn: we are on the road to apartheid.
There’s dissent in the Liberals over just the constitutional recognition plan. Wait until they hear of treaties, too.
Turnbull is facing a fresh outbreak of internal dissent over the proposal to recognise Indigenous Australians in the constitution before talks about the referendum on Thursday with the Labor leader, Bill Shorten.<
The South Australian Liberal senator Cory Bernardi told Guardian Australia on Wednesday "no case had been made" for recognising Indigenous people in the constitution…
Fellow Liberal senator James Paterson told Sky News on Wednesday he was yet to be convinced constitutional change was the appropriate way to proceed.
"There is no place for race in our constitution," Paterson said. "There should be no negative references to race, there should be no positive references to race. [The constitution is] the rule book of Australia. I think there is a role for symbolism in public life but I'm yet to be convinced the constitution is the place for that.”

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